Leaps & Bounds with Chris King

WERKIN recently spoke with queer icon Chris King - the Thunder and CEO of Lightning Travel Recruitment, about how their career path has intersected with their personal journey as a trans, non-binary, neurodiverse founder.

One of WERKIN’s goals as an LGBTQ+ owned company is to empower organisations to create inclusive cultures where everyone can thrive, through mentoring and leadership development programs. So our LGBTQ+ community holds a special place in our hearts. We recently put together a list of Top UK LGBTQ+ Founders You Should Know and we were thrilled to highlight Chris on this list, along with other extraordinary LGBTQ+ founders making their mark in the business world.

Watch the interview below to hear Chris talk about their mentors, their superpower and the best career advice they were ever given.


Cornerstone OnDemand CEO Shares Innovations in HR Technology and Commitment to Inclusivity


Ready, set – leap! Preparing now to leap at the right time later