Humans of WERKIN: Margot Slattery


Humans of Werkin is a series of the people who make us, us. The people who really get to work on the Werkin platform are the rebels, the trailblazers, and the ones who want to change the future of work in the world. We reached out to the people on our platform and this is what they said…

Name: Margot Slattery
Occupation: Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion at ISS
Dream Job as a Child: Writer
Location: Presently Leitrim in Southwest Ireland and sometimes Dublin, Ireland and France
Pronouns: She/Her

Q: If you could go back and tell your 20-something-year-old self one thing, what would it be?  

A: It will all be all right in the end

Q: What's the last thing that surprised you? (either yourself or others)

A: Just how much reaching out to others matters , personal touch /time

Q: What sparks joy in your life?     

A: People/Laughter/nature /evenings with friends

Q: What's a cause you want to yell from the rooftops about?

A: Equality and right now that’s really focused around Racial Equality and social justice

Q: What's your anthem? One tune that pumps you up in the morning! 

A: Happy By Pharrell Williams

Q: We're obviously a mentoring platform, and for us, it's about building belonging. What does mentoring mean to you?

A: A person understanding another’s needs and helping them to achieve them, stretching and supporting another person to success

Q: What's something about you that I should know but that I wouldn't think to ask you about?

A: My wife’s name is Sarah and she is amazing

Q: A la Ferris Bueller’s Day Off...where would you run to/how would you spend a ‘skip day?’

A: A spa with loads of fab treatments

We’ll be uploading new interviews with fabulous humans weekly so please sign up here or check back, and stay connected.

If you would like to nominate someone (including yourself!) as a rebel, trailblazer, or changemaker, please get in touch.


The Humans of WERKIN