It’s literally a no-brainer.

More than ever before, people feel disconnected from their workplaces. And this often leads to them leaving their roles.

The thing is… You want your best people to stay. But it's hard to get a pulse on how everyone is doing at all times.

Here’s how mentorship can help you:

  • 91% of employees who have a mentor are satisfied in their roles (CNBC)

  • 87% of mentors and mentees feel empowered and have greater confidence (Moving Ahead)

  • Millenials who intend to stay in their companies for 5+ years are more than 2x as likely to have mentors (Deloitte)

Which is why we’ve created a mentoring program that helps your employees mentor each other. All you have to do is sign up. 

Impressed yet?

Some of our clients like EY, BBC, and Google definitely are.

Fill out this form to see whether you qualify for our 1-month free trial >>

Snowman before and after mentoring

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